Sep 15, 2018

Four Sewing Tips for Beginners

Sewing is an integral part of fashion and design. As such, if you are starting out, you need to invest in some sewing essentials and at the same time keep refining your sewing skills. In the meantime, here are some basic sewing tips and tricks that could prove to be vital whenever you are sewing.

Start Each Project with a New Needle

sewing machine at work

If you are embarking on a new sewing project, it is imperative to ensure that the needle you are using are in top shape. Working with a sharp need will not only improve the quality of your needles, but at the same time,  reduce the chances of damaging the fabric. As a fashion designer, it is also important to note that needles are classified numerically, and the number chosen depends on the type of material you are working on.

Know Your Fabric

There are different types of fabrics. This implies that there will always be a time when you might be required to work on a piece of fabric you’ve never worked on before. Instead of getting right into the job, learning something about the material could help improve the quality of your job. Most people do not take their time to learn about their fabric, and this is often evident in the quality of their job.

Sew Smarter

Without a doubt, you need to invest in the best sewing essentials and not just stick to a conventional sewing machine. You also need other things like a self-healing cutting mat and maybe a rotary cutter. Adding such items into your sewing toolbox goes a long way in improving the quality of your job and also your turnover. You do not have to work hard, work smart.

sewing machine Service Your Machine

Getting the best sewing machine is not enough. Any sewing machine functions at its best when new. But over time, you should also take good care of your sewing machine by cleaning and oiling it to ensure it remains in top working order. This helps in keeping your machine in top working order and also improves the quality of your job.

There is always a lot to learn as far as sewing is concerned. The tip shared above could help you improve the quality of your sewing jobs. You should also not forget to keep learning and improving your mastery of this art.

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